Purpose: Creating Small-Group Prayer Ministry
To create praying small-group phone fellowships throughout Wisconsin.
Need: Prayer Support
The WI Conference has many smaller churches in need of an infusion of God’s Spirit. Our pastors, administrators, Bible workers, and teachers need prayer support.
The book of Acts testifies that corporate prayer is especially potent. Pentecost was the result of God’s people praying not merely as individuals, but together.
The times are challenging, and the future will have even more intensifying challenges! Not only so, but our conference’s emphasis on evangelism requires intentional, sustained prayer.
History: Steps to Christ Project
The Beaver Dam SDA Church, because of a project sending Steps to Christ to our community, began in April of 2023 a daily small group prayer session utilizing FreeConferenceCall.com.
At 10:00am the saints call an assigned number followed by an access code. It’s simple and free, does not require a computer, and can be done from home or car or even on a walk. (Zoom is another option.)
We sometimes have a very brief devotional, other times we start off sharing prayer requests. The prayers follow, with praise being a keynote. We have learned brevity is best. If the individual prayers are long it wearies the group.
Usually people will pray multiple short prayers. We spend from 15-30 minutes. The only day we do not call is Sabbath morning, expecting that most are in church.
Results: Personal Testimony
As a person who gives numerous Bible studies, it has been a blessing for me to see God working through the prayers of God’s praying people.
✝️ I feel uplifted and strengthened knowing that I have the backing of the Holy Spirit and the angels of God as I leave my home.
✝️ I can testify that I see weekly evidence of God working markedly to win lost people. Without Christ we can do nothing.
Invitation: Start Your Own Prayer Group
We would like our group to be duplicated in many places. Jesus promised that even if 2 or 3 come together this is sufficient for His presence to be in the midst of them.
If anyone would like to join us with the object of starting their own group call 978-990-5499 then when prompted access code 890244# just before 10:00, Sunday-Friday.
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